You can cancel your booking up to 48-hours before you are due to arrive. Your cancellation will be penalty-free and you will receive a full refund for your booking!
Bookings may also be moved to a later date, which we would highly recommend during peak times to guarantee a room.
To cancel or change a booking, please email
For the time being, we will not be servicing rooms during your stay. If you have any queries, for example needing extra towels etc, please ask reception and items will be left outside your door.
We have also installed sanitising stations at all entrances and exits throughout the building.
Please note…
~ The Ffolkes is now a cashless venue
~ Every half an hour our team will have a hand washing reminder
~ We are following strict social distancing guidelines
~ PPE (masks and gloves) will be worn by the team where necessary
Cleaning and hygiene is of the utmost importance to us as standard and in these current times we are being extra diligent in our cleaning routine of The Ffolkes, as outlined below.
The housekeeping team will wash their hands with soap & water/hand sanitiser for 20 seconds prior to servicing each room. All unnecessary throws and cushions will be removed from rooms for the time being and windows will be open during the routine cleaning. Bins will be emptied before your stay and waste from each room will be placed in plastic bags, tied up and disposed of. Guest linen will be removed from properties in sealed bags and then linen is removed, laundered and beds re-made, the team will be wearing appropriate PPE (gloves and aprons). All in-room crockery and cutlery is washed in the restaurant dishwasher. Door and furniture handles, push plates, remote controls and fridge handles will be disinfected before your arrival. Tea, coffee, sugar and milk will be replenished before your stay
Bathroom supplies and toilet rolls will be replenished before your stay. Bins will be emptied before your stay and waste from each room will be placed in plastic bags, tied up and disposed of. Door handles, taps and flushes will be disinfected before your stay, as well as our usual deep clean of the bath/shower, toilet and sink.
Reception, corridor, stairs and landing:
These areas will be dusted and swept once a day. Reception top, banisters and door handles will be disinfected daily.
Toilets in communal areas:
Soaps and lotions, toilet rolls and paper towels will be replenished, where necessary, once a day. Bins will be emptied frequently. Door handles, push plates, taps, flushes and soap dispensers will be disinfected regularly and the floor will be mopped daily.
All cleaning equipment will be disinfected at the end of every shift, and cloths will be washed at 60ºC.
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